Risk Panel
The Hibachi UI offers a comprehensive panel for traders to manage risk. This includes:
Net Equity is your total account value. It is computed as your USDT balance plus your unrealized trading PnL plus your unrealized funding balance.
Free Margin is the portion of your net equity that is not currently used to support positions or orders.
Used Margin is the portion of your net equity that is currently used to support positions or orders.
Total leverage is the sum of your position leverage and order leverage.
Position Leverage is the ratio of the value of your positions divided by your net equity.
Order Leverage is the ratio of the value of your order divided by your net equity.
If your total leverage becomes too high due to pending orders, the system will first cancel these orders to reduce your order leverage. If your position leverage remains too high after canceling orders, existing positions will be liquidated to bring leverage back within acceptable limits.
Risk Score
Your risk score is the ratio of your total leverage to the maximum leverage you can take. The closer it gets to 100, the higher your likelihood of getting liquidated.
These metrics provide a clear understanding of the risk you are taking, allowing you to make informed decisions and manage your exposure effectively.
Last updated